11-13 October 2024

Kawai Opening Gala: Cosmos

A Musical Meteor Shower

Date and Time
Fri 11 Oct, 8pm
Reardon Theatre
90 minutes
$59 / $52

The 2024 Festival launches into hyperspace with a stellar line-up of 21 artists presenting spectacular music from across the ages. Opening with a newly commissioned world premiere string quintet from visionary Wiradjuri composer Shauntai Sherree Abdul-Rahman – Wula Murun, speaking life into existence – the journey continues with haunting solo horn shooting for the stars, pulsations of Polish folk music, ancient cosmographic a cappella, and culminating in a ravishing and rarely performed piano quintet by legendary Hollywood film composer, Erich Wolfgang Korngold. There’s something for everyone in this exploration of a multiverse of genres, from thrilling works of right now back to our most familiar favourites. We have lift off!

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Shauntai Sherree Abdul-Rahman
Wula Murun (world premiere)
Luke Styles
A Shot at the Stars
Slawomir Czarnecki
String Quartet No 2, Op 33, “Spis”
Thomas Weelkes
Thule the period of cosmography
Camille Saint-Saëns
Veni creator spiritus
Carlo Gesualdo
When you, my star, look at the beautiful swarm of stars
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Cantato Domino omnis terra
Erich Wolfgang Korngold
Piano Quintet, Op 15

Consort of Melbourne
Orava Quartet:
– Daniel Kowalik Violin
David Dalseno Violin
Thomas Chawner Viola
Karol Kowalik Cello
Zoë Black Violin
Monica Curro Violin
Helena Rathbone Violin
Christopher Moore Viola
Molly Kadarauch Cello
Timo-Veikko Valve Cello
Douglas Rutherford Double Bass
Carla Blackwood French Horn
Stefan Cassomenos Piano