Festival titan and past artistic director Stephen McIntyre, renowned in Australia and around the world as one of this country’s most cherished musicians, transports us with a recital of entrancing music by Maurice Ravel, masterfully unveiling a portal to parallel universes of the surreal. The stage is set with a tender evocation of a little princess from a bygone Spanish court, before Ravel holds up his magic Miroirs and behold, a resplendent array of sights and sounds – a valley of sonorous bells, a lone ship on the rippling waves of the ocean, glistening invocations of sorrowful birds and flickering moths, and a Spanish court jester exuberantly performing his Alborada or morning song – and concluding with swirling mists and vapours, gradually and tantalizingly revealing an immense ballroom filled with dancers in the frenzied throes of La Valse.
Maurice Ravel
Pavane pour une infante défunte
Maurice Ravel
Maurice Ravel
La valse
Stephen McIntyre Piano
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